Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.

All of Israel is responsible

for one another.

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About Rachelle

Rachelle Mack is a lifelong member of TBE, having had her bat mitzvah and wedding there, as well as her son's bris and bar mitzvah. Rachelle is a past TBE E-Board member/Board Secretary and is eager to rejoin the board at this important time in TBE's evolving history. Rachelle has an MS in Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing with extensive clinical, leadership, and management experience. She works as a clinical specialist in psychiatry at Maine Medical Center. She is also an adjunct professor of nursing at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine. Rachelle lives in Portland with her husband Armand and their son Jacob (a Levey Day grad), who is heading off to college this fall.

Board Role/Committee Participation: Board Member
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